Land Research Unit
Six Nations has been researching Land Claims since the 1970's
Of the 29 submitted and potential claims, there are several more to be researched
The only claims submitted outside of the Haldimand Tract are Innisfil and East Hawkesbury Townships
Specific claims are defined as an unfulfilled Treaty or agreement between Canada and Indians.
The Haldimand Treaty of 1784
Whereas His Majesty having been pleased to
direct that in consideration of the early attachment
to his cause manifested by the Mohawk Indians
and of the loss of their settlement which they
thereby sustained - that a ... View More
Land Research Unit
Six Nations of the Grand River were granted a tract of land on October 25, 1784 by the Haldimand Treaty. The Haldimand Treaty authorized Six Nations to take possession of and settle upon the Banks of the Grand River from Lake Erie to its source being six miles on each side of the River comprising a total of approximately 950,000 acres. These lands were granted in partial recognition of the loss sustained by the Six Nations in the aftermath of their alliance with the British Crown during the American War of Independence.
Since 1784, Six Nations of the Grand River lands comprise of less than 5% of what was originally stated in the Haldimand Treaty. The Land Research Unit continues to investigate the research that began in 1974 on the loss of 95% of the land granted by the Haldimand Treaty. This involved archival research on investigations of breaches of the Crown’s Fiduciary Obligation to manage Six Nations’ lands and resources in the best interest of Six Nations. The four main areas of investigation are:
- Were the terms of the October 25, 1784 Haldimand Treaty and other treaties fulfilled and honoured;
- Were the alienation of portions of the Six Nations tract undertaken lawfully;
- Were the terms and conditions of the alienation fulfilled; and
- Were the financial assets derived from the land alienations properly accounted for and maximized to benefit the Six Nations of the Grand River Indians.
Submitted Claims of Six Nations - Basis & Allegations
Claim submissions of Six Nations are based upon Canada’s Specific Claims Policy which discloses “lawful obligations” on the following breaches:
- The non-fulfillment of a treaty or agreement between Indians and the Crown;
- A breach of an obligation arising out of the Indian Act or other statutes pertaining to Indians and the regulations thereunder;
- A breach of an obligation arising out of government administration of Indian funds or other assets;
- An illegal disposition of Indian land;
- Failure to provide compensation for reserve lands taken or damaged by the federal government or any of its agencies under authority; and
- Fraud in connection with the acquisition or disposition of Indian reserve land by employees or agents of the federal government, in cases where the fraud can be clearly demonstrated.
Furthermore, from 1763 to 1982, Regulations, Instructions and Constitutional Rule pertaining to the alienation or dispossession of Indian lands were issued by the Crown. Subsequently, these Laws were not administered by the Government when dealing with Indian Lands. These are the basis of all Six Nations’ submitted claims.