**Six Nations of the Grand River thanks Six Nations Police Services, Ontario Provincial Police and the Special Investigations Unit for their efforts during recent active weapons incident** Community Notice – Shelter In Place

Six Nations Police is currently dealing with an active shooter situation on Chiefswood Road. Please be aware that a shelter-in-place advisory affects 5th Line and 6th Line on Chiefswood Road to Tuscarora and 6th Line West of Chiefswood Road.

Please avoid this area, stay indoors, and stay safe.

Updates can be found from Ontario Provincial Police – West Region and Six Nations Police as they become available. If you are in crisis, please reach out to the crisis supports available to Six Nations.

UPDATE Situation Resolved: Six Nations of the Grand River thanks Six Nations Police Services, Ontario Provincial Police and the Special Investigations Unit for their efforts during recent active weapons incident – November 1 – 1:36 pm

Six Nations Police Services (SNPS), the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) have successfully resolved the active weapons incident that occurred on Chiefswood Road, between Fifth Line and Sixth Line. The situation has been brought under control, with the safety of our community members being a top priority.

Six Nations of the Grand River (SNGR) would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated and professional efforts of both the SNPS, OPP and the SIU for their swift and effective response, ensuring the safety and well-being of our community. Their collaboration and expertise played a pivotal role in resolving this incident peacefully.

“First and foremost nia:wen to all of the officers with the Six Nations Police, the OPP and SIU for their quick action,” Chief Mark B. Hill said. “The incident that occurred is a reminder of the challenges individuals may face in dealing with mental health issues. We encourage all community members to support one another, offering empathy, understanding, and resources for those who may be in need. It is crucial that we break the stigma surrounding mental health and create an environment where individuals feel safe seeking help when they require it.”

Chief Hill emphasizes the importance of open communication and building a supportive community where individuals can reach out to one another.

“If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please don’t hesitate to seek assistance from our dedicated community organizations and professionals,” Chief Hill said. “Your well-being matters, and together, we can create a stronger and more resilient community.”

In the aftermath of this incident, SNGR stands united with our community, demonstrating the strength that comes from compassion. We are committed to providing the necessary support to all affected individuals, and together we will foster a community that values the health and well-being of each of its members.

The OPP or SNPS will not be able to provide further information. Any other inquiries should be directed to SIU Communications at (416) 622-2342. For further information and resources related to mental health, please visit the Six Nations Health Services website at www.snhs.ca. Or you can call the Crisis Hub at 226-446-9902.