Resolution to Injustices
As of May 31, 2004 - 900,000 land acres have been lost to Six Nations for which approximately $2.3 million dollars sits as compensation in a Six Nations Trust Fund.
The Haldimand Treaty of 1784
Whereas His Majesty having been pleased to
direct that in consideration of the early attachment
to his cause manifested by the Mohawk Indians
and of the loss of their settlement which they
thereby sustained - that a ... View More
Resolution to Injustices
1982 with little hope of achieving settlements satisfactory to Six Nations in light of the inadequacies of Canada’s Specific Claims Policy and process. Furthermore, any litigation/negotiation Six Nations are involved in would take several years to reach a final settlement.
Currently there is nothing stopping the Federal/Provincial Governments or developers from disposing of, selling, degrading or destroying the First Nations lands or resources which are the object or subject of the process. There is presently no meaningful process which mandates that the Federal, Provincial, Municipal Governments or developers consult with Six Nations when development occurs in lands claimed by Six Nations. Interim Business arrangements with the Governments or individual developers have not been achieved on a regular and consistent basis. This has been alleviated somewhat when Six Nations have been involved in other venues/negotiations with the Government/Municipalities to reach an agreement on development or compensation.